Ghore's Official WebSite




It all started with Colby, Colin, Jason and Josh setting in a room discussing how cool it would be to start a band. Roughly a year later, each had learned somewhat of their respected instruments. Colby- Vocals, Colin- Bass, Jason- Drums,  Josh - Guitars. They portrayed the name "Prophecy" for quite some time, before they had come to know that Prophecy was already a name of a death metal band in Texas. They then changed it to a name that Colby and Josh had come up with called "Death Asylum." They used that and recorded their first demo known as "Metal has no Mercy," but it wasn't sent in until after the band had splitten up. Josh had moved to Haskell and sent in into Death Rape Records, because they had promised to send Anthony Hoyes their demo, and he liked it, but the band was through. Josh came back to Gainesville, and began talking again with Jason and Colin. They weren't for sure where Colby was, so they had agreed to start another band. They searched for a name and got recommended the name "Slaughter of Innocence" by Anthony Hoyes of Death Rape Records. They began searching for a vocalist. They tried talking to Michael Daughtry, but he wasn't willing to be in a band at the time, and then they turned their attention to Cody Walden, a friend of theirs. Things didn't work out too well, because he had been having more of a time with his friends other than the band, so Josh decided he would give vocals a try along with playing guitars. They then began writing new songs, but keeping one that had been written in Death Asylum entitled "Six Feet Under" and recorded their demo "Immortal" consisting of Immortal, Six Feet Under, and Welcome Death. They had then gotten a 3 album contract from Death Rape Records. Josh recommended that Colin play drums, so Jason decided he would step to the guitar and let Colin try them out, to see how everything went. They then changed the band name to "Ghore" and thats where they are now. Ghore is in search for a bassist, but if they can find another guitarist, Josh has considered moving to bass, along with doing the vocals.

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